Friday, September 14, 2018
Home > Fashion > Why should you let your kids wear sunglasses more often?

Why should you let your kids wear sunglasses more often?

you let your kids wear sunglasses more often

Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory, surely it does make us look smarter but there are so many health benefits of wearing sunglasses. Your child is especially prone to sun damage, if you pick the right sunglasses for them it can keep your baby’s eyes protected and save their eyes from getting damaged. Kids should, in fact, start wearing sunglasses from the age of 3. No kidding!

The reason why your baby should wear a sunglass

Do you know that your angel’s eyes are 10 times more sensitive than their skin? UV rays can easily damage their precious eyes which will ultimately lead to a lot of problems. Even adults can’t be saved from the deadly UVA rays, think about your child, his eyes are even more sensitive. It has been said that young kids can catch 70 % more UVA rays than an adult. Which means, they are at high risk. And the sooner you realize it the better it is for you and your kid.

How can sun rays damage your kid’s eyes?

Sunglasses come with a dual benefit. It enhances your look and protects your eyes, kids especially are prone to catch the harmful UVA rays. As per WHO, it has been stated that children’s eyes are more sensitive than adult’s eyes and they absorb these harmful rays faster.

Children up to the age of 18 absorb about 80% of UVA rays, if that is so then your kid will be inviting to many eye related problems later. This can lead to partial and full blindness as well. Take cataract, for example, one of the most common problems among the adults nowadays. Cataract can be stopped from happening on a serious note if you would have worn sunglasses since you were born. Mother especially are more concerned about everything, while taking care of your child, don’t forget to look after yourself as well. Go and check out eyeglasses for women online today and make sure you wear them. Because kids learn from their parents, once they see you wearing them, they will also capture this habit.

According to recent research, it has been found that teenagers who spend more than 5 hours playing outside during the day have an increased chance of developing AMD. Now, this is definitely not good news. Why do you need to go through all these surgeries to get rid of eye problems when you can simply buy a good branded sunglass and start protecting your eyes from now onwards? One more thing, look at your child’s eye carefully, if he has a light-colored eye, then his eyes are even more sensitive. So, now you have another good reason why your baby should wear a good pair of sunglasses.

What kind of sunglasses to choose for your kids?

Kids should always wear sunglasses which are wrap around and cover their eyes entirely. There are many models to choose from. You can explore eyeglasses for kids and then let them also participate in the choice. Just make sure the glasses are 99-100% UVA protected. It doesn’t matter how dark the shade of the sunglass is. What matters is how much protection it will give to your child’s eyes.

One more thing to consider is that we usually take out our sunglasses when it’s cloudy or when it’s not sunny outside, but dust, snow and foreign particles in the air are always present, and you never know when it will attack your kid’s precious eyes. Keep your eyes and your baby eyes protected. Prevention is better than cure after all. Keep your baby’s eyes protected from now on so that he won’t have to go through all kinds of eyes problems when he grows up.